Thursday, 5 February 2015

A little bit of a change.

So...  I haven't been here for a while.  Because this happened...

That was ten months ago, would you believe?

This is what a difference ten months makes...

Well.  Now she is starting to sleep for longer in the evening I have finally managed to sit down and think about blogging.  Anyone that manages to write articles or blogs while they have a newborn really has my respect - My velcro baby didn't really give me much of a chance at the beginning, and for the last few months I have been revelling in my free evenings and not really thought about writing.

I have not managed to do much sewing.  I have managed to finish 1 item in the ten months since she was born, which was a christening present for a friend's baby.  And that was already started when I decided to do it for her!  Anyway, this is it... (excuse the bad photo)

Apart from pining over my lack of sewing time, We have been spending time together as a family, going to the woodland that my mum owns.  She bought it to keep beehives on, but there's much more to it than just an apiary.  We have a 'campsite' that has been designed and made by my husband.  He has made a table with a canopy, a firepit and other useful bits and bobs.  We can go out there for a walk, for an afternoon or (as he often does, but I haven't since the baby was born) for a couple of days if you bring enough water with you.

If you are interested in seeing what my hubby does in is spare time, mainly bushcraft, leatherworking or motorbike related, please take a look at his blog:

 Yep, that's us, with baby in a connecta, which is a soft structured baby carrier, commonly called a 'full buckle'.  We absolutely love our connecta.  Without it, we would not be able to take baby out to the woods.  To get to the campsite we have to go down quite a steep path, sometimes with lots of mud.  There is absolutely no way we could get a pram in - the Land Rover my parents own sometimes can't even go down the access road.  I can comfortably wear her for an hour or two whilst walking the dog and she is obviously comfortable, as she often sleeps through the majority of the walk.